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Tag Archives: cell phone pic

Just wanted to put up a pic. Haven’t done it in a while.

Shot this with my Nexus One. Post Processing done with PicSay Pro.

I shot this with my Nexus One. Post processing was done with PicSay Pro.

I shot this with my Nexus One. No post processing.



For the next couple of days I will be posting a series of pictures with similar post processing. The pictures will all be of different subjects and together they will create this weeks body of work. I don’t plan on posting a few sentences with each picture like I usually do. I hope you guys like this weeks shots and please post comments if you like or dislike any of them.
All pictures have been shot with my iphone 3gs and all the post processing was done with my new favorite app BestCamera. Until tomorrow, keep snapping…

This is among one of the most recognized logos in the world. It is up there with the NIKE swoosh and many other well known logos. I added some post processing to give it a vintage look.
I shot this with my iphone 3gs and the post processing was done with the BestCamera app. Until tomorrow, keep snapping…

You are looking at a Tarahumara teenager in front of a pollo restaurant. When I asked her if I could take her picture she said it was OK but that I had to give her some CORIMA (money in their dialect) and then started to laugh. Although they speak some spanish they have their own dialect which is their primary means of communication. She is wearing their traditional dress which they are also known for. I love this portrait and the story behind it.
This picture was taken with an iphone 3g and the post processing was done with the BestCamera app. Until tomorrow, keep snapping.