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Tag Archives: pictures

I shot this with my Nexus One. Post processing was done with PicSay Pro.

Sometime things like this grab my attention and I have to photograph them. Yes, its just two mailboxes but I just can help my self not to take pictures of things I like. I feel sometimes as if I see everything thru a viewfinder.
I took this with and Iphone 3gs and used the BestCamera app for post processing. Until tomorrow (and I mean it), keep snapping…

Just thought this was a cool looking shot, specially after the post processing. Do you like it?
I shot this with my iphone 3gs and the post processing was done with the BestCamera app. Until tomorrow, keep snapping…

This is an example of the beautiful desert plants you find here in arizona.
I shot this with my iphone 3gs and the post processing was done with TiltShift app and the BestCamera app. Until tomorrow, keep snapping…

This picture looks a little creepy. I imagine it as if you walk in you will never come out. What kind of feelings do you get from it?
I shot this with my iphone 3gs and the post processing was done with to apps, PhotoStudio and Until tomorrow, keep snapping…

Ok I was saving this picture for a rainy day. I actually did not shoot this picture. It was my 7 year old son who shoot it with his first generation iphone! Yes you read it right, a 7 year old with a cell phone camera! He shot this one in San Diego while we were on vacation. When I saw this photograph I was absolutely amazed. Again, this only shows what a great photographer by the name of Chase Jarvis says, “the best camera is the one that is with you”. I hope you guys like this picture as much as I do, and if you do, please leave a comment and I will pass it on to my son.
Julian shot this with his 1st Generation iphone and no post processing. Until tomorrow, keep snapping…

I shot this earlier this year in Chihuahua Mexico. Just love people photography.
I took this with my old iphone 3g and the post processing was done with CameraBag app. Until tomorrow, keep snapping…

Not much to say about this picture. Just thought the post processing matched the “under construction” building.
I took this with my iphone 3gs and the post processing was done with ShakeItPhoto app. Until tomorrow, keep snapping…